DESINTEC® CyroEx is a biocide for the control of fly larvae and rat-tailed maggots in stables. It is a growth inhibitor with selective effect against flies and rat-tailed maggots. There is no known resistance or cross-resistance. It is not poisonous to mammals and it is therefore possible to use it in an occupied stable.

Use: Scatter, pour or spray.
The granular CyroEx is water-soluble. CyroEx can be scattered onto damp sub-surfaces (manure/slurry/slatted floors). It needs to be dissolved in water and poured or sprayed onto solid manure.

Active ingredient: Cyromazin

Packaging: 1 kg tin, 5 kg and 12 kg bucket, 20 kg sack


Use biocides carefully. Always read the label and product information before use.

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