MIRAVIT® PigCid is a liquid supplement feed for use in compound feed and liquid feed for pigs for attainment of a desired microbiological stabilisation of feed mediums for the animal. Possible microbiological negative influences by microbiological contaminated feed on the animal's enteric flora can be clearly reduced. Feed hygienisation and improvement of status in terms of salmonella monitoring.

Not to be used over drinking water pipes.

1-3 kg per tonne of liquid feed,
1-10 kg per tonne of dry feed.
The application quantity in terms of salmonella monitoring is dependant on the individual recommendation of your production consultant.

Packaging: 200 kg barrel and 1,000 kg container

Note:There is no documentation obligation (HACCP) for MIRAVIT® acid products.

Safety data sheet


For more information and MIRAVIT® products, visit www.miravit.de

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